Duns Scotus Formation Fund
How To Apply for a Grant
The DSFF provides financial assistance for formation-related needs. Please note: except in cases of great financial need, funds will not be provided for the normal operating expenses of a region or local fraternity.
Who may apply for assistance?
Any Secular Franciscan or group of Secular Franciscans needing financial assistance to improve formation may apply to the DSFF. Requests from individuals or local fraternities must be submitted by the regional fraternity. Guidelines for international requests are being developed, but at this time we cannot accept grant requests from fraternities or regions from countries outside the USA.
- Write a brief description of the intended project, one or two paragraphs. In this description include the goals of the project, those involved, a timeline, and the expected outcome. NOTE: Individual and local fraternity applicants should first discuss the project with the Regional Minister and Regional Formation Director.
- Send this brief description to the Duns Scotus Administrative Board via email at The Board will evaluate the proposed project, discuss its merit, and determine if it qualifies for a grant. Within two weeks a member of the Board will contact the applicant to discuss the next step.
After you complete Application Step One, a DSFF Board member will contact you.
Do not move on to Application Step Two until you hear back from a Board member.
- Complete the Duns Scotus Grant Application Form in its entirety. This document can be found here:
Duns Scotus Grant Application Form [Word]
NOTE: The grant application is available in Word. When completed, save the file and add the applicant name to the end of the filename. Submit the completed application form electronically to the DSFF Board at
Grant Cycles
There are four funding grant cycles: July 1-September 30; October 1-December 31; January 1-March 31; April 1-June 30.
Follow-up Report
Each grant recipient must provide a written report to the Administrative Board that evaluates the success of the project and includes a financial report within sixty (60) days of the completion of the funded project.