Celebrate the Rule with this new CIOFS video

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the OFS of the United States,

CIOFS, our international fraternity, has prepared a special gift for us to help us celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Rule. It is a 12-minute video, entitled, “Forty years of the ‘New’ Rule. A Treasure for the OFS.”  It provides an historical perspective on the Rule of 1978 and a beautiful summary.

Click video to the right to watch the English version right now, right on this page. The links below will take you to each of the four language versions on YouTube. Please send a link to all of your fraternities and members. View the video and celebrate the rule together. Take some time to discuss and contemplate its message. Celebrate this great treasure in your hearts and carry it with you throughout the day.

This video is available in the four official languages:

The code below can be used to embed the videos in a webpage or social media post:

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9 responses to “Celebrate the Rule with this new CIOFS video”

  1. Louise Heim Avatar
    Louise Heim

    Thank you so much! This was beautifully done.

  2. Karen Wall Avatar
    Karen Wall

    This is a great video! We are going to use this at our opening meeting for the new year as a recommitment activity for our Fraternity.

  3. Karen Szczesniak, OFS Avatar
    Karen Szczesniak, OFS

    What a wonderful presentation of the history of our precious Rule. Thank you to all who worked so diligently on this presentation, especially Bob and Mary Stronach, OFS, Marsha Kistner, OFS, and Bill Wicks, OFS. We have shared it with St. Maximilian Kolbe Fraternity in Debary, FL and will be sharing it with the Little Flowers of St. Francis Fraternity in Daytona Beach, FL next month. God bless you all – peace and all good.

  4. Myrna Gomez Avatar
    Myrna Gomez

    This short film was very informative and really made me feel happy to be a Franciscan. this needs to be shared with all members and future members of the Third Order.

  5. Jane Avatar

    What an inspired video!!! Another gift! What a terrific way to start out the jubilee Year. I shared it with family and friends who don’t know much about the OFS. Great vocation drawing tool!

  6. Paula Coleman Avatar

    Wonderfully presented and bless you for providing code for our local websites!!!
    Peace to you….

  7. Frank Scotto, ofs,Tau Cross Region Vice Minister Avatar
    Frank Scotto, ofs,Tau Cross Region Vice Minister

    The video clearly portrayed the essence of the Secular Franciscan Order over time, and reminds us of who we are, how we came into being, and where we need to go as a Franciscan Family in the years ahead of us. It reaffirms our commitment to the Franciscan life in the way of our Seraphic Father Francis, and our anonymity as an Order. It was very well done, and will be considered a valued tool to be used during the formation of new Candidates in my Region.

  8. Elaine Jimenez Avatar
    Elaine Jimenez

    Very Inspiring as I am discerning if I am being called to be a secular Franciscan. This has always been on the back burner of my heart. I love St. Francis and was born on his feast day. Elaine Jimenez, Villa Park, Il

  9. Paula Kanesaw OFS Servant Minister Avatar
    Paula Kanesaw OFS Servant Minister

    Thank you for compiling this video celebrating 40 years of our Rule. It is very well done and speaks to the heart of every Secular Franciscian.

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