Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May the peace of Christ be with you!
The Holy Land Friars have contacted me with a special request. They are begging the help of all Secular Franciscans in promoting the Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land.
The needs are many. Please do what you can to help. To learn more, see below, or spend some time on their website
Remind others of this special collection, and thank you for your own prayers and financial support.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us as we journey together this Lent – and let’s make it a good one!
Peace and Lenten Joy,
The Holy Land Friars:
- Provide ongoing emergency funds
- Support 29 Catholic parishes, 4 homes for orphans and 3 academic institutions
- Operate 16 schools for more than 10,000 pre-K through grade 12 students that are open to all faiths and currently serve Muslims and Jews in addition to the Christians in the Holy Land.
- Provide university scholarships
- Relocate and provide homes to Christian families
- Rehabilitate destroyed homes for Christians families
- Provide senior care facilities in Bethlehem and Nazareth
- Create jobs for Christians in the Holy Land
- Preserve 74 sanctuaries and shrines from the life of Jesus and the prophets
- Support more than 100 men preparing to be priests or brothers
- Assist Syrian and Iraqi refugee families in Jordan and Lebanon by helping to pay for rent, food, heat, schooling and transportation.
The Holy Land friars need your help. Syria has been devastated by a conflict that has displaced half of the country’s population. The friars refuse to abandon the Christians and others in need.
Help us raise awareness, prayers and financial support for the friars in Syria, who continue to celebrate Mass, provide pastoral care and offer humanitarian aid – water, medicine, food and more – in the midst of this devastating conflict.
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