A weekly program of peace-giving themes, reflections, and prayers leading up to Christmas is available on the website.
Developed by Carolyn Townes, OFS, National JPIC animator, the readings and reflections focus on peace from Oct. 3-Dec. 25.
A beautiful way to prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace, the program includes thoughts or themes for each week, a reflection, a Psalm fragment, a reflection question, resolution, and prayer.
At our August 2022 Quinquennial, Marion Clorey, OFS, mentioned “12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace” in her keynote address. Marion said this about the program:
“In the program 12 weeks of Franciscan Peace by our sister Carolyn Townes, she quotes Claude Thomas as saying “Imagine, if everyone stopped the war in themselves – there would be no seeds from which war could grow.” In our prayers of the faithful at Eucharist, we often pray for an end to war and conflict in various parts of our world. We need to pray for the seeds of war that grow in the recesses of our own hearts. When I am critical of my neighbor when I want more recognition for my service – all of these things are the beginnings of anger and resentment which can take root in my heart. We need to uproot those thoughts with the power of God’s grace and forgiveness. And, of course, our commitment to daily conversion and prayer is the place where this can happen. We trust in the presence of the divine seed in
everyone, including ourselves!”
You can find 12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace readings and reflections here: [English] [Spanish] [Korean]
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