Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The National Executive Council sends its warm greetings from St. Louis, Missouri, during our National Chapter and on the Feast of our Patron, St. Louis the King.
We have 70 people in attendance to conduct the business of the Order. Providentially, our meeting was scheduled this week – overlapping the Feast Day. What a Godincidence! So today, we will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.
All things St. Louis. Photos of our afternoon celebrating our Patron will be shared.
St. Louis the King was a good example for us in practicing our theme…Listen, Discern, Go Forth. We discussed actions we can take to further our priorities – Vocations, Communications, and
Relationships. Many decisions will be made on Saturday morning. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us for those deliberations.
Also, we’ve been experiencing a fraternal and pastoral visitation during this chapter. Presidency Councilor Dina Shabalina OFS (Ukraine) and General Spiritual Assistant, Fr. Carlos Campos TOR (Peru) have been with us. They have brought the Franciscan Joy to us, along with ideas for how we may be able to guide our National Fraternity. We appreciate their care and consideration. More on that in another message!
We conclude our Chapter on Saturday afternoon.
Thank you for your prayers.
Peace and all good,
on behalf of the National Executive Council
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