On May 3rd, 2020, Fr. Christopher Panagoplos recorded his first Sunday homily to be shared with the Secular Franciscan Order.  Since then, faithfully, he has prepared and delivered a homily each week, reflecting on the scriptures from a Franciscan perspective.

As we approach the beginning of a fourth year of these treasures, Fr. Christopher shares in his most recent homily for Sunday, January 28th, 2024, the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, some insights about how in our following in the footsteps of our Seraphic Father, Francis, we are following in the footsteps of Christ himself.

“We encounter Francis as real, real as you and me, no more, no less ordinary as you or me: a person with dreams, hopes, expectations; a person with a life, a history; a person of success, a person of failure, a person who embodies everything that is noble and fine and good in the human condition, a person who suffered the deepest, and darkest depression in a sense of self-failure. An extraordinary individual in an ordinary life, transformed by a desire to be as Christ-like as possible.”

Read the full text of this Sunday’s homily here:  4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Fr. Christopher (text)

View his homily on Facebook here:  4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Fr. Christopher (video)