Fr. Christopher Panagoplos, TOR, draws us in to Holy Week, inviting us to “Die a little, to live more fully”.

“The week of passion, of devotion, of suffering and death and life given over, begins.  The Paschal Mystery, our involvement in the dying/rising of Christ, is now.  Die a little, to live more fully.  We find the heart of Christ amid the turmoil of the Passion, inviting us to enter into communion with the Crucified.  To suffer with the Lord’s Suffering Servant, intent on bringing justice, love and peace to the world, speaking a word to sustain the weary, to listen and be a disciple, to suffer our share of the burden of the Gospel, and imitating Jesus.  Let us look violence, hate and injustice in the face—with the heart of Christ.”

the full text of this Sunday’s homily here: Passion Sunday – Fr. Christopher (text)

View his homily here: Passion Sunday – Fr. Christopher (video)