The Gospel Through a Franciscan Lens – 31th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Fr. Christopher
When we recognize God’s beauty in people, God’s beauty in creation, then God’s incarnate love is present and at work in us.
When we recognize God’s beauty in people, God’s beauty in creation, then God’s incarnate love is present and at work in us.
"What do you want me to do for you?" - Do we answer like Bartimaeus, or like James and John in last week's gospel?
" . . . those who aspire to leadership in the community, in the kingdom, in the fraternity must think of themselves as the servants of all."
Franciscan spirituality can awaken a vision of hope amid the challenges we face.
Let us witness that Christ’s gift of love is still relevant.
The deeper Francis grew in relation to Christ, the more he found himself related to things of creation as brother.
"Whoever encounters Francis must think of Christ." Romano Guardini, 1953
Just as Jesus healed and served others, we too can bring healing and service through our daily labor.
God speaks new life and new possibility in every hour.
"Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."