Registration is open for the 2022 Quinquennial Congress

Do you consider yourself an “Early Bird” or want to be considered one?

If so, it’s time to register for the Q.  OFS-USA 20th Quinquennial Congress “JUBILEE” (

It may be a good time to call the hotel to make your room reservations also….or at least set a calendar appointment for you to call the hotel at a later date.

The Q will be held Aug. 3-7, 2022, in Phoenix, AZ.

Stay tuned for more updates as we begin the final year of preparation for our 2022 Quinquennial Congress!

We can’t wait to be with you all in Phoenix.


4 responses to “Registration is open for the 2022 Quinquennial Congress”

  1. Kate Meire Avatar
    Kate Meire

    What is the cost involved?

    1. Terri Leone Avatar
      Terri Leone

      Hi Kate,
      Please go to home page of our OFS-USA website. In the banner near the top of the page is link for “Q”. There are a couple of additional links re cost, registration, etc. even info re hotel & its costs. Thanks for asking.

      Peace and Joy,
      Terri for Brothers & Sisters of NEC

  2. Roselyn Heil Avatar
    Roselyn Heil

    How do I talk to a perso via phone. I registered in May and have not received anything back from you to say my registrtion is good.
    please Contact me to work this through. My flight and hotel are all arranged but I have not heard from you yet.
    Thank you for your assistance.
    Sr. Roselyn Heil, FSPA

    1. Terri Leone Avatar
      Terri Leone

      Dear Sr. Roselyn,
      Please send email to
      Terri for OFS-USA NEC

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