(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Summer Issue #106)

News from the National Executive Council

Terms Extended for Commission and Committee Chairs

The appointments for National Commissions Chairs or Committees Chairs or individual positions typically are made until one year after a scheduled NEC election. The appointment terms are set in such a manner, so a new council won’t have to appoint new commission or committee chairs immediately after being elected.

Due to the postponement of the October 2021 National Elections, the National Fraternity Council requested that the current NEC serve an additional year. The NEC agreed. In turn, the NEC asked the current Commission and Committee Chairs to also extend their appointments until Chapter 2023. The individuals agreed to serve for the additional year.


  • National Formation Commission Chair: Diane Menditto, OFS (Our Lady of the Angels Region)
  • National Youth/Young Adult Commission Chair: Kathleen Molaro, OFS (St. Junipero Serra Region)
  • National Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission Chair: Carolyn Townes, OFS (Brothers and Sisters of Francis Region)


  • National Bequests/Endowment Committee Chair: Mary Frances Charsky, OFS (St. Kateri Tekakwitha Region)
  • National Database Committee Chair: William Mussatto, OFS (St. Francis Region)
  • National Website Committee Co-Chairs: Sharon Winzeler, OFS (Brothers and Sisters of Francis Region) and James Thomas, OFS (Blessed Solanus Casey Region)
  • National Public Relations Committee Chair: Sharon Winzeler, OFS (Brothers and Sisters of Francis Region)

Individual Appointments:

  • National Archivist: Sharon Dale. OFS (La Verna Region)
  • National Historian: Tom McNamara, OFS (St. Thomas More Region)
  • TAU-USA Editor: James Wesley, OFS (St. Junipero Serra Region)
  • 1-800-Francis Coordinator: Theresa Leone, OFS (St. Katharine Drexel Region)

A Note About NEC Meetings

With the restrictions due to COVID, the NEC shifted to virtual meetings to conduct business. (See chart in Fall 2020 TAU-USA newsletter.) The NEC met virtually 42 times between November 29, 2019 and December 20, 2021. After a two-year period, the NEC met face-to-face in March 2022 and ratified those meeting minutes as required in National Statutes Article 5.6. The ratification was documented in the minutes for that face-to-face meeting. Although the provision is specific to the NEC, it is a good practice for regional and local fraternities to follow, should you have to resort to virtual meetings.