Ecumenical Interfaith Committee

Joy Comes With The Morning

We are often sad to lose the old, but we must never despair, for our Lord may prune, but he does so only to help his branch yield more fruit (Jn 15:2). In the area of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, for example, we leave our old isolation, lose our false sense of security, and we enter a new path of discovery; we gain new friends and new wisdom. It doesn’t always happen in that order, but “joy comes with the morning!” (Ps 30:5).

Seek with Encounters, Dialogue with Others

I couldn’t help thinking how our meeting – an Anglican priest at the Chapter of a Catholic order – would have been, for far too long, unthinkable. Until people did think of it! And then these people acted on it: Roman Catholic Secular Franciscans reached out to the Anglican TSSF and the Order of Ecumenical Franciscans and asked for dialogue. Meetings were held, and five principles of Franciscan unity, across our denominations, were discovered: baptism, charism, call, Christo-centrism, and the prophetic voice. The Joint Committee on Franciscan Unity was founded, and in time the Order of Lutheran Franciscans joined. “How blessed it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity,” (Ps 133:1).

2024-06-06T18:33:36-04:00February 12th, 2024|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Introducing The New Member Of The National Ecumenical/Interfaith Committee

The National Ecumenical Committee has changed faces and set different goals during the many years of its existence. Our focus has been on the outreach and involvement of those on our Joint Committee (TSSF Third Order Society of St. Francis, OEF Order of Ecumenical Franciscans and OLF Order of Lutheran Franciscans). ...

2024-06-06T18:33:32-04:00June 19th, 2023|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Ecumenical Interfaith Committee Joint Committee on Franciscan Unity

What do you know about our brothers and sisters of the Jewish tradition? What of our Muslim brothers and sisters? Or any other faith tradition? My work on the Interfaith Alliance of the Southwest and the Interfaith/Ecumenical Committee has challenged me to SEE – to see deeply beyond borders, beyond faith traditions, and to learn to celebrate the differences that mark our uniqueness. I have found that when we examine the faith of others, we embark on a journey that reveals just how much we have in common. To embark on this path, however, takes courage. ...

2024-06-06T18:33:32-04:00October 3rd, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Season of Creation Opens with Celebrations, Prayers, Activities

The Season of Creation is a period that brings together the entire Christian community worldwide to pray and take action for the care of the environment. It begins on September 1st with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and ends on October 4th with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Check out this resources to help you observe the season.

2024-06-06T18:33:38-04:00August 29th, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, JPIC, New Resource|0 Comments

Ecumenical Interfaith Committee Joint Committee on Franciscan Unity

“The People of God: A Sacred Prism,” was an interfaith gathering of representatives of various Franciscan groups, which sparked joy, peace, and spirituality for all who attended. What a privilege it was for us, as members of the OFS-USA Ecumenical / Interfaith Committee, to attend this special event held Nov. 14-16, 2021, at the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center in Garrison, N.Y., a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. [...]

2024-06-06T18:33:33-04:00July 18th, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|1 Comment

New Beginnings with A Hopeful Vision of Unity Among All People

“Gaining inspiration from the example and the writings of Francis and, above all, filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, each day the brothers and sisters faithfully live the great gift which Christ has given: the revelation of the Father. They should bear witness to this faith before all:…. – in their associations with all men and women, brothers and sisters of the same Father;”

2024-06-06T18:33:40-04:00January 24th, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|0 Comments
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