Category: Synod

  • OFM Province Connects with OFS and Others at Synod

    OFM Province Connects with OFS and Others at Synod

    Secular Franciscans along with OFM Spiritual Assistants in attendance at the OFS Synod (Jan 15, 2025). Photo courtesy of Br. Octavio Duran, OFM

    By Jane DeRose-Bamman, OFS

    National Minister

    Representatives from the Franciscan Family and Franciscan-hearted individuals who work with the friars attended the Synod of the Franciscan Friars Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe from Jan 13-17 in Kansas City, MO.

    Approximately 30 OFS, professed and candidates, attended the gathering.  We were grateful to discuss the importance of relationships and sharing the Franciscan charism.  We recognize that the 73 OFM brothers (and many more previously) responded to the mandate in Articles 60, 61, and 62 of the OFM General Constitutions.  They continue caring for, valuing, assisting, and fostering Secular Franciscan vocations.

    This culminated a year-long synodal process that the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe began in local friaries last year to gather feedback and discern some next steps.  Seven regional meetings followed as 300 friars practiced synodal discussion.

    The national meeting, called a Franciscan Provincial Synod, included about 200 friars, Secular Franciscans, Franciscan sisters, and lay partners. Half of those in attendance were friars.

    Prayer was a focus along with gatherings where tables of eight participants discussed various topics.  The organizers structured the schedule to obtain feedback from all participants.  Technology was used to collect and quickly process the feedback that focused on the charism, lifestyle, and mission of Franciscans.

    The synod’s timing was perfect as it is the beginning of the third year of the centenary celebrations focusing on the Canticle of Creatures – a year to recognize and celebrate God’s presence in all creation. This gathering met the challenge – cherishing the splendor of God in the various members of the Franciscan family and aspects of creation – even Brother Winter as ice and cold were on hand in Kansas City.

    A Wednesday morning session on youth and young adults was exceptionally engaging and inspiring. The younger participants are hopeful and trust that the Spirit is still at work. Several of the panel stressed that growth is achieved through struggles, which they were not afraid to tackle.  They welcome the opportunity to have conversations as part of building relationships.

    On Wednesday evening, a committee of four friars, one Poor Clare sister, and one Secular Franciscan examined all the priorities that had been voted on during the previous days. They chose the eight major priorities and 25-30 actions concerning the charism, mission, and lifestyle the assembly would vote on. On Thursday, the assembly decided on the priorities published in the final report to the province.

    At the Mass of Sending Forth on Thursday evening, OFS national vice minister Diane Menditto, OFS, was invited as an assembly member to submit the synod’s recommendations to the new council of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province.

    In her statement, she asked the council to “lead us all in putting the priorities of the Synod into action.”

    Following her statement and the Provincial’s response, every assembly member was anointed with the prayer that they would “undertake with a generous heart the labors of Franciscan and Christian life, and be made worthy brothers and sisters of Christ and Saints Francis and Clare.”

    May God grant perfect charity, sense, and knowledge as they continue to discern the next steps for the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

  • Lay Leadership Webinar Scheduled

    Lay Leadership Webinar Scheduled

    A dialogue featuring Synodality and Lay Leadership will be held Thursday, Aug. 25.

    Entitled “Toward Participation:  Unpacking Leadership of the Laity,” the webinar will feature five panelists– Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville and the Chairman of the USCCB Doctrine Committee; Mark Erdosy of Marian University in Indianapolis; Matthew Manion of the Center for Church Management at Villanova University in Philadelphia; Helen Osman of SIGNIS Worldwide Catholic Association for Communication; Rosie Chinea Shwaver of the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (CALL); and Paul Jarzembowski of the USCCB, who will facilitate the dialogue.

    The event will explore themes of leadership throughout the Church. Included in this webinar is a discussion on engaging the laity in leadership positions, co-responsibility with priests and the laity, and promoting shared work as part of the mission of the Church.

    Hosting the webinar are the United States Council of Catholic Bishops Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth and the Catholic Apostolate Center 

    The webinar will begin at 2 p.m. ET; 1 p.m. CT; 12 p.m. MT; 11 a.m. PT; 10 a.m. AKT; and 8 a.m. HT.


  • Minister General Requests OFS Participation in Synod

    Minister General Requests OFS Participation in Synod

     Here is how you can participate . . . .

    In a recent letter, Minister General Tibor Kauser, requests both individual Secular Franciscans and fraternities to participate in the Synod on Synodality, asking for our “precious contributions.”   The National Fraternity agrees that this historic event needs our active participation.

    To ensure that our collective voice is heard, please reflect on the following questions about the life and mission of the Church and our Order.  Send your written answers to the National Fraternity at  The deadline for submissions is June 30.

    The letter from Tibor, which includes the questions, follows.

    Prot. n. 3478

    Rome, 6th of June, 2022

    To OFS National Councils and Ministers To YouFra National Councils and Presidents

    Tibor Kauser

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    As you know, Pope Francis has convoked the Church of God in Synod. This historic event needs our active participation, both as individuals and also as a fraternity.

    There are two ways of to participate:

    • The first way is to insert ourselves, as Secular Franciscan brothers, sisters and fraternities into the synodal procedure of our own dioceses. I hope that all of you have already found your proper role and have made your voice heard.
    • The other way is to respond to the call of the Congregation for the Institutions of the Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life. We, as a worldwide Order have the opportunity and the responsibility to join the synodal process as an International Fraternity, too.

    For this, by this letter, I invite every National Fraternity to reflect on the following simple questions.

    1. What do you think are the major challenges and problems that the Catholic Church has to face in this decade?
    2. How do you think the Catholic Church should respond to these challenges and problems?
    3. What can you, as a committed, individual Secular Franciscan, offer to the Catholic Church, so that it may become the Body of Christ in a more authentic and visible way?
    4. What could be the best contribution we, as Secular Franciscans, can make to the life of the Catholic Church?
    5. What do we, Secular Franciscans, need the most from the Catholic Church?
    6. What are the greatest challenges that we, the OFS, have to face in this decade?

    You may choose to answer any, or all, of the questions as briefly or as long as you wish. Please ensure, that your answers are based upon as wide a range of opinions of the brothers and sisters as possible and send them to the CIOFS General Secretariat ( by July 15th 2022. Your answers will be summarized and sent directly to the Holy See.

    Your precious contributions will be greatly appreciated. They will ensure that our voice will be heard and that we, as an Order, will be more visible in the Church and in the world.

    With the hope in the future of a peaceful world and in a renewed Holy Catholic Church, I wish you all peace and good.

    Your minister and your brother,

    Tibor Kauser, OFS

    CIOFS general minister