Centenary Resources: Christmas at Greccio


A Tour of Greccio–Recording of Nov. 19, 2023 Zoom Event

Incarnation Prayer Liturgy

Greccio Presentation_Mass or Group

Christmas at Greccio 1223-2023

Celebrating Christmas at Greccio 1223-2023 – PowerPoint – complete

Patterns & Prayer Service – First Creche As Francis hoped for the town’s people of his time, we hope a profound awakening to the Christ Child will come upon you. The Prayer Service with readings from Christmas Eve Prayer from the Roman Martyrology, Celano, First Life, from Omnibus, and Christmas Crib from Franciscans Friars, TOR

Christmas Creche Prayer Service- Christmas Eve Prayer, Celano, Christmas Crib The Prayer Service above with simple instructions


Stations of the Creche-AFC-2023[1778]

WaitingForTheMessiah[_V. Klick,OFS-2018_1398]

WaitingForTheMessiah_ReflectionQuestions_2018 V. Klick, OFS [1397]


Greccio Meditation Card – for use with “Advent Tableau” or just distribute – 3 per page

Franciscan Reflection on Greccio 1223

Reflection on Celano’s Greccio

Seasonal Prayers Christmas Creche and St. Francis of Assisi; Christmas Devotional Prayer