Tag: Claudia Kauzlarich

  • Treasurer Vocation

    Treasurer Vocation

    By Claudia Kauzlarich, OFS
    National Executive Council Treasurer

    Claudia Kauzlarich, OFS (NEC Treasurer)

    I recall when I was in initial formation and my local fraternity was getting ready for elections, they were mentioning the council positions and when they said treasurer, I thought “Well, Lord, you have provided me with the skills so this is a way I could serve if that is what you want.” And so I have – at the local level for many years, at the Regional level for several terms and now at the National level for two terms.

    I’ve been in accounting all my life. Whenever an organization needs someone to track income and expenses, it typically goes to someone with accounting experience, or it should. Since I have spent my whole life doing accounting work for financial support, I thought I would prefer to serve in a different capacity to have some variety in my life. The treasurer position is always one most back away from and maybe these individuals are right to back away. It takes someone with patience, detailed oriented, and someone with knowledge of bank accounts, budgeting, and an accounting program.

    I have had the privilege to serve as National Treasurer since October 2018. This position is much more than I anticipated. I was required to resign my local and regional treasurer positions once elected as National Treasurer. (OFS USA National Statutes (NS) Article 11.4) At the time, not having a full picture of the amount of the work that the NEC performs, I thought I could do all three. There is wisdom in our statutes that says you can’t serve at the National and Regional level at the same time. In addition to the accounting, you are a member of the council and will discern all the matters being discussed and be a part of the council vote.

    As the National Fraternity has developed over the years to serve our 10,000 members, our finances evolved to resemble a small business. We have multiple checking and investment accounts, write around 200 checks a year and have a credit card to monitor. There are 3 commissions and 15 committees, which each have their individual budgets within the total National Fraternity budget to watch over and maintain. So, the National Treasurer position is not necessarily for someone who can barely balance their personal bank account. It requires some skill.

    The Treasurer of any fraternity has the responsibility to watch over each dollar of member donations no matter the size of the budget. I have always associated each dollar of a member’s donation to the sacrifice the widow made in giving her mite in St Luke’s Gospel (Lk 21:1-4). It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to watch the fraternity’s funds and ensure that they are spent wisely. After all these donations belong to God!

    The position also requires transparency while maintaining confidentiality in some areas.

    Being a Treasurer is a vocation within a vocation. So, if you are or have been a CPA, have an accounting degree, or been a financial manager, it could just be that the Lord is looking for you to step forward. Just say, “Yes Lord, I am willing to serve my brothers and sisters as their Treasurer. You have given me the skill and I will serve your children, if it be your will.”