Tag: Susan Ronan

  • Reflections on gentle journey of peace, love

    Reflections on gentle journey of peace, love

    Susan Ronan, OFS

    By Susan Ronan

    National Executive Council Secretary

    Many blessings and greetings, my dear Brothers and Sisters!

    Last fall, the minister of my “home” fraternity (Greccio Fraternity, Derry, NH) asked me to write a short article about my initial years on the National Executive Council (NEC).

    I’m the first member of our fraternity to be elected to a national position, though our beloved sister, Teresa Baker, OFS, devoted many years to the National Formation Commission.

    As my Formation Director from the start (1999) through my profession in 2003, Teresa supported and encouraged me to share my administrative gifts when I was nominated to local and regional offices.

    The gentle journey to profession in the Secular Franciscan Order opened my heart’s pathway to listen to Jesus’ GPS and participate in the experiences He had prepared along the journey.

    After almost twenty years on and off the local and regional councils, a letter arrived letting me know I’d been nominated to the NEC. Well, that was certainly a surprise. The Holy Spirit and I had many long chats about this new development. The Lord has truly blessed me with this amazing Franciscan Family.

    Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we all belong to four levels of Secular Franciscan fraternities and have brothers and sisters throughout the United States (and Guam) and 137 countries worldwide. We are their familial responsibility, and they are ours. The NEC assists the Holy Spirit in supplying our family’s “lifeblood” to the First and Second Orders, the TOR, and the four levels of Secular Franciscan fraternities.

    Over the past year as national secretary, I’ve learned so much. But the most important thing I’ve learned is that we’re all family, and everyone on the national and international levels is dedicated to our Order’s Franciscan charism of love.

    I’m here to help you with any questions or concerns you have …so call me anytime!

    Peace and so much love,
