Q is coming

Don’t keep it a secret!  The 2022 Quinquennial Congress will be a time to celebrate and renew our Franciscan calling.

It is scheduled for August 3-7, 2022, in Phoenix, AZ.

Help us spread the word to our brothers and sisters and others who are of like mind and heart!  Feel free to download, print and distribute the Q Flyer in your fraternities and parishes.


3 responses to “Q is coming”

  1. Luis Alvarez, OFS Avatar
    Luis Alvarez, OFS

    The dates are not correct in this announcement, or are they correct?

    Q is coming
    Don’t keep it a secret! The 2022 Quinquennial Congress will be a time to celebrate and renew our Franciscan calling.

    It is scheduled for August 3-7, 2021 in Phoenix, AZ.

    Help us spread the word to our brothers and sisters and others who are of like mind and heart! Feel free to download, print and distribute the Q Flyer in your fraternities and parishes.

    1. Sharon Winzeler Avatar
      Sharon Winzeler

      Thank you for catching that. We’ve updated accordingly.

    2. Sharon Winzeler Avatar
      Sharon Winzeler

      The dates are in 2022. The post has been corrected. Thank you for your comment.

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