Fr. Christopher Panagoplos, TOR, offers insights about the Transfiguration that go far beyond  a “sneak preview” of Resurrected glory.

“Today’s Gospel of the Transfiguration makes little sense without the passage just before it.  The glory of the resurrection, for Jesus and for us, comes only after we have made our “Via Dolorosa” through the dark tunnel of death.  God offers as the opportunity in Jesus to undergo death as a sacrifice rather than as a biological inevitability.  That foretaste of the resurrection gave the downhearted disciples a sense that God could work good out of evil, joy out of sorrow.  Should they have forgotten this lesson, God was willing to teach it to them again and again.”

Read the full text of this Sunday’s homily here:  2nd Sunday in Lent – Fr. Christopher (text)

View his homily here: 2nd Sunday in Lent – Fr. Christopher (video)