Opening ceremony for the anniversary of the Stigmata of St. Francis is Friday
The solemn opening ceremony of the 800th anniversary celebration of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi will be broadcast online Friday, Jan. 5.
The solemn opening ceremony of the 800th anniversary celebration of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi will be broadcast online Friday, Jan. 5.
“In Greccio there was no nativity scene. There were no statues around but living people. I invite you all to experience this miracle, together with Saint Francis, being those around the ‘Christmas crèche.’ Let us be the living family, in which Jesus can be born and can find a warm family spirit,” Tibor Kauser, CIOFS General Minister, said.
The Season of Creation is a period that unites the Christian community worldwide to pray and care for the environment. It begins on September 1 with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and ends on October 4 on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
The National Executive Council sends its warm greetings from St. Louis, Missouri, during our National Chapter and on the Feast of our Patron, St. Louis the King.
Secular Franciscans are encouraged to participate through prayer with our young people at the World Youth Day opening Aug. 1 in Lisbon, Portugal, according to Kathleen Molaro, OFS, national Youth and Young Adult Commission Chair. Each day the young visitors are invited to share in the following daily challenges.
Thank you for surrounding the three United States Franciscan pilgrims attending the YouFra International Gathering in Portugal with your heartfelt prayers. Aldo Morocho, OFS, his daughter Dalia Morocho, and Fr. John De La Riva, OFM Cap, arrived safely and are fully engaged in the activities.
The National Executive Council is pleased to announce the rolling out of our new national database starting in August 2023. After more than two years of work, the Database Committee is ready to go live with this new tool.
St. Bonaventure University is offering Secular Franciscans a free mini-course featuring a faithful and contemporary view of Jesus as He is presented in the Letters of Paul and the Synoptic Gospels. Fr. David B. Couturier, O.F.M. Cap., a keynote speaker at the Quinquennial, will present the sessions online via Zoom on June 3, 10, and 17.
The Chapter of Elections held Oct. 11-16 in Detroit, MI, produced a new set of leaders on the National Executive Council of the Secular Franciscan Order and provided counsel for continuing ways for servant leaders to go forth into the community.
On March 12, former National Minister, Jan Parker, OFS, visited the current National Executive Council to transfer documents, or so she said. In reality, she stopped by to transfer a special gift. She presented Jane DeRose-Bamman, OFS, the current national minister with a relic of our seraphic father, St. Francis of Assisi.